

#GoBeyond is an educational media initiative and creative agency dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion in STEM fields (science, tech, engineering and math). Part of their mission is to highlight stories of women already doing amazing work in STEM - while they are very much alive! - and share their efforts through various media streams.


Women make up only 24% of the STEM workforce, only 4.6% of Fortune 500 CEOs, and only 2.7% of venture capitalist recipients - and as you might imagine, when it comes time for fancy, social media trending content to be made, men also get the majority of that attention as well.
These infographics are an on-going series meant to bring attention to the stories of women doing amazing work. The low-poly portraits showcase various life moments and achievements in a loosely-linear format - the concept being that while time is linear, the events of our lives and how they shape our character and future are interconnected in a more complex patterns.

Product strategy

Not every client looking to sell a fully customized product. We worked with #GoBeyond to suitable drop-shippers and OEM manufacturers to suit their swag needs.

Notebook with image applied