

FitGame was a high level game concept looking to create a fun way to get bodies in motion. Operating under the idea that plenty of people like to box, but no one likes to get hit, shadow boxing startups have started to trend in recent years. However, there are still a ton of people who have neither the time nor the desire to show up at a gym and strap on a pair of gloves. What better way to combine those two elements than a game?
The basic idea was to create a game where you would fight different opponents in head-to-head matches, casting the game to your tv, and using your phone to detect and translate your movements. (ie: Street Fighter meets Fruit Ninja).

FitGame setup GIF
Tracking test 2
Tracking test on iPhone

Proof of concept testing

Working with another local studio, Good Tech Collective, specializing in rapid digital prototypes, we structured the game concept around taking advantage of new tracking capabilities in the current generation of smart phones.


A high-level storyboard was created to explain concept specifics - game play simulation, potential marketplace monetization and player experience.